

1. Disproportional accumulation of fat is a must.

  • Lower half of the body, including hips, thigh and leg are thicker compared to upper half.
  • There are different types of lipedema according to the regions effected more.
  • It is very easy to gain weight at these parts.
  • The fat accumulated is highly resistant to diet or exercise.
  • Maximum 10-15% of this fat can be lost with vigorous efforts.

2. Family history + in 95%.

Mother (Stage 2) and Daughter (Stage 1)

  • It is inherited via family genes, but it may skip generations.
  • The disease is present in women of the father’s or mother’s relatives, at least a few of them.
  • If left untreated, it is progressive.

3. Asymmetries observed in 95%

  • An asymmetry between left and right is a high probability in lipedema patients. Typically obvious at gluteal lines.
  • Some of the patients notice this condition during wearing pants but more commonly they are unaware.
  • A cross-asymmetry is not rare: the thigh is thicker on the left side and the leg is thicker on the right side, or vice versa.

4. Easy bruising (%95)

  • Affected regions are easily bruised. Sometimes the patient does not even remember the causative contact.
  • These bruises, expected to heal in a week in normal population, may persist for a couple of weeks or longer.

5. Definitely unique to women

  • The signs of lipedema usually show up at puberty.
  • Exacerbation during pregnancy and menopause.

6. Tenderness in 80%

  • Patients describe a kind of discomfort with touching at effected body parts.
  • Rarely, the feeling may be very severe.

7. Fat deposition at upper arm (70%)

  • The area between axilla and elbow is effected.
  • This area is difficult to treat with liposuction only in advanced cases, due to loose structure of the covering skin. An arm-lifting may be required.

8. Cold feet and (hands) in 65%

  • Commonly, patients tell that they cannot heat their feet, even in summer.

9. Loose joints in 60%

  • Joints are hyper-mobile, especially elbow and knees.
  • Gestures are easy to perform for lipedema patients during activities like pilates or yoga.
  • Look at the female acrobats at the circuses; many have lipedema.

10. Swelling at the ankles (60%)

  • The ankle bones may be undefined.
  • A crease at the junction of leg and foot may emerge at the evening of a tiresome day.

11. Thin, varicose veins (55%)

  • Spider veins are quite common.
  • They are usually located at the back of legs.
  • These are different from deep venous problems and are not harmful, though bothersome in appearance.

12. Pain (50%)

  • Pain is the leading complaint in older patients and at later stages.
  • This pain is sometimes so severe that patients cannot sleep at night.

13. Goiter (50%)

  • I have realized that half of the lipedema patients have a history of thyroid gland problems somehow.
  • It is generally hypo-thyroidism, but Hashimoto thyroiditis is also seen.

14. Obesity co-existence (50%)

  • Obesity is also present in half of the patients.
  • This is generally the result of giving up the fight, and ceasing exercise and healthy nutrition.
  • This is a very common story, because these tools are effective to prevent progression of lipedema but cannot reverse the process.
  • Obesity surgeries does not work for lipedema.
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